Services | Web & Media Impact
An effective web presence attracts specific buyers to your targeted markets. It addresses defined areas of needó Solutions that minimize risk; maximize competitive advantage; create a measured benefit; stand out over competition.
Whether your organization is a start-up or a well-established company, buyers judge products and services directly by the image, look, navigability, content, and tone of your web site. A well-designed web site allows even the smallest company to compete effectively with larger ones.
Our experts in web development can assist in any of the following key areas:
Innovative and highly efficient navigation solutions
High-impact web design and content layout
Extranet features for product support, investors, remote users
E-Commerce web sites: Catalogs, secure credit card processing
E-Learning deliverables: Flash, online videos, product animations
Social Media marketing and consumer loyalty
Cross-platform web development for mobile and tablet applications
In addition, our experts know the best practices in web development:
Content management solutions for ease-of-site updates and administration
Solutions to improve web relevance and traffic
Campaign solutions to harvest visitors for future marketing
Continually reinventing your web presence requires a careful ear that is tuned to best practices being implemented constantly by your competitors. We will work carefully with you so you can make the most of internal resources yet take advantage of experts on an as needed basis.